Custom Segments
Custom Segment enables you to create a segment based on the combination of different Events and User Properties of interest.
Creation of Custom Segment.
Steps to create a custom segment is as listed below:
- Click on the Create Segment Button and select Custom Segment from the drop down.
2. Select the Platform(Web/App) from the toggle button for which the segment has to be created.
3. Select the Event of interest. Click on events drop-down to see the list of all events that are currently tagged on your Web/App platforms.
4. Select to include/exclude the users who have performed a certain Event on your website/App using the include/exclude drop-down selection.
5.Select the period for which you want to create the segment by clicking on the Select Period(Optional) button.
6.Click on the User Properties and select the property of interest and necessary options.
7. To add multiple Events or User Property, click on the Rule and add another the Event/User Property. You can also choose whether you want to segment by either/or of the Events/User Property by selecting the And/Or option.
8. To create nested segment rules, click on the group button and add the rules as required .You can also choose And/Or option to either include or exclude the nested segment rules.
9. Once the Events and User Properties are selected, the segment can be created by clicking on Apply Rule button.
10.To save the segment created, click on the Save Segment button on the top right corner.
11. Clicking on the Save segment button will show a pop up as shown. Enter the name and description of the segment and you can chose if you would want to clone the segments to other accounts.
12. On saving the segment, the new segment will appear in the segmentation tab as shown.