Push Notifications at Vizury Engage 360 is under the Channels tab as App Push Notifications. The three sections of Push Notifications are Overview, Reports and User Info.
Overview section shows the overall engagements created as the App Push Notifications as shown:

All the App Push engagements created are shown with the details listed below:
Engagement name: Shows the name of the engagement created.
Segment: Shows the segment for which the engagement was created.
Created On: Shows the date on which the engagement was created.
Preview: Shows the preview of the engagement created.
Status: Shows if the engagement created is active or inactive.
A/B testing: Shows in the A/B testing is done for this engagement or not. ????????
Is Batman: Batman indicates the limitation on number of Emails. Is batman shows if this limitation is active(applied) or inactive(not applied).
Clone: This gives an option to clone your engagement.
You can search the engagements created by typing the name of the engagement in the option Search Engagement as shown.

Reports section shows the performance of the engagements created as the App Push Notifications is as shown:

The App Push engagement report is shown with the details listed below:
Engagement Name: Shows the name of the engagement created.
The performance of the engagements are tracked via certain metrices such as:
Notifications Sent: Shows the number of notifications sent to the user.
Clicks: Shows the number of clicks for the engagement.
CTR: Shows the click through ratio.
Conversions: Shows the number of conversions.
CVR: Shows the conversion ratio.
Trend: Shows the trend of performance metrices.
Reports of the engagements created are listed under 4 different sections namely All, Live, Top engagements and Inactive.

All: Lists all the engagements created.
Live: Lists all the engagements which are live and active.
Top engagements: Lists all the engagements with top engagement performances.
Inactive: Lists all the engagements which are inactive.
Viewing a report:
The Select Engagement option allows you to select a particular engagement and the Select Segments option allows you to select a particular segment for which the App Push engagement is designed for.

The Select Period option allows you to select the period for which the performance is to be tracked.

Once the required options are selected, the report is shown.
User Info Section shows the number of Active Mobile App Users and the number of Uninstalled Users as shown.

It also includes subscribe trends which shows the comparison graph of your New, Existing and Uninstalled Users as shown.

You can view the subscribe trends graph for the desired period by selecting the period from the option provided on the top right corner.